Sunday, May 29, 2011

Been A While.....

School is over until June 6th. I have had a month off and it has been so nice. I still have a lot to get done before it starts up again but I have one week. YAY!!
There are a lot of events coming up soon for me. We are having a June crop on the 4th, cereal drive at church on the 11th, need to have a garage sale sometime in June, Drew's birthday in July, followed by Kegean's right after and don't forget about 4th of July bash at Kristi's! There are tons more but that would get boring me naming everything, HA!
So thus holiday weekend has been wonderful so far. Yesterday my husband and I laid in bed until 10 just talking and watching movie trailers on the iPad. It was so relaxing! Then we got up, went to Atkins to get a mower then home again. I cleaned out the guest room and got it ready for everything to be moved into our new storage Bldg. Last night we went to dinner and a movie. Bridesmaids is the best,most hilarious movie ever. We were laughing so hard I had tears. We loved it! :) Then we went for ice cream and came home to cut up a watermelon and make rice crispy treats for today's family BBQ. It shall be a great day!
Well you are now up to speed! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

School, Sister, Scrapbooking

School is finally over and I am so happy.  I have a month break and then I start summer school.  I am carrying an easy load this summer so I am looking forward to a good break.
On an even happier note....My sister has moved back home.  We moved her last week before we left for our scrapbook retreat.  I am so thankful they made it back. Now they just have to get settled in and life will get back to normal.
Speaking of scrapbook retreat.  It was awesome!!!!  We had so much fun and very little sleep.  I missed my husband terribly but now I am back.  I surprised him by coming home early on Sunday and it was great seeing the look on his face.  He was like a kid that just opened the best Christmas present ever. It was the cutest thing. Now it is time to get my sleep habits back on track.  It has been a rough couple of nights. I am used to staying up late and getting up early but I could take a nap or just lay down while I was gone. Now, not so much. I have even resorted to caffeine. I have not been much of a caffeine drinker the past few months but right now I need it to help me get through the day. Well better get started working for the day. Have a blessed day everyone!